Pori Contact Information

Here you will find Pori Airport contact information.

Visiting address: Lentoasemantie 1, 28500 Pori
Opening hours: terminal is open according to the flight schedule.

Airport manager: Niko Syrjä


Airport Codes

IATA-code: POR

Airport Information & Parking

Send a contact request
Terminal Information desk +358(0)20 708 6010
INTER HANDLING PORI OY [email protected] +358(0)2 – 622 44 00

Delayed or broken baggage

Airlines are responsible for the handling, transportation and handover of baggage. If your luggage is delayed or damaged, immediately report the matter at your airline’s service desk.

All inquiries concerning baggage must be submitted to the airline. For contact information and instructions, visit your airline’s website.

Other Contact Details

Ground Handling Services

Ground Handling

Inter Handling Pori Oy

Marja Huhtanen

+ 358 600 92099 (1,93€/min + pvm/mpm)

[email protected]


Check-in, ticketing, baggage inquiries and ground handling

Inter Handling Pori Oy

maahuolinta [email protected]

+358(0)2-622 4400