Vaasa Contact Information

Please find the contact information of the airport here.

Visiting address: Lentokentäntie 174, Vaasa Airport, 65380 Vaasa

Terminal opening hours

Flight, baggage and check-in inquiries:

Please contact your airline

Airport Information (info, parking and lost property inquiries)

Send a contact request
+358 (0) 20 708 6130

Airport information is open 2,5 hours before the departing charter flights and 1,5 hours before departing scheduled flights and 15 minutes after the departure.

Airport’s maintenance (e.g. goods deliveries)

Tel. +358 (0) 20 708 6150

For airlines and aviators:

  • Ground handling services: Airpro/RTG
  • Airport/Air traffic control opening hours, please see NOTAM
  • A request for extra opening of the airport, see Finavia's terms of service
  • Refueling JET A-1: tel. +358 40 760 3642

Airport Codes

IATA-code: VAA

Ground Handling Services

Ground Handling

Airpro Oy

[email protected]

Customer service:

+358 (0)20 708 6254

+358 (0)20 708 6156

Fuel JET A-1

+358 40 760 3642