In Facebook, you can ask us about matters related to your trip or, for example, the best places to spot aircraft. For service in Finnish, go to Finavia's page. If you prefer English, go to our Helsinki Airport page.
In Twitter, we share interesting photos and our latest bulletins. You can reach our customer service also at Helsinki Airport's Twitter account @HelsinkiAirport. You can inquire, for example, the opening hours of shops, or advice for packing your suitcase. The language of the Helsinki Airport account is English, but we provide service in Finnish at @Finavia.
Finavia creates video productions on both smaller and larger scales, which eventually end up on our YouTube channel. Have you always wanted to know where your suitcase goes after check-in? Or what landing at the airport looks like through the eyes of the pilot? You can find the airport videos at our Helsinki Airport & Finavia channels.
We share information about new jobs and other Finavia news on LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, we take the role of an employer.
Aircraft taking off at sunset, the afternoon rush at the gate area, behind-the-scenes stories. We think that travelling and the life at the airport are full of emotions. These emotions show at the photos we share on our Instagram account.
Sina Weibo
On Sina Weibo we provide service in Chinese to Chinese passengers.
On Youku we provide videos in Chinese to Chinese passengers.