It is possible to acquire plots from Finavia airports for construction that serves air traffic, as well as rent various office, storage and other facilities. There are also areas in the immediate vicinity of the airports where it is possible to also build facilities that are not related to air traffic.
The air navigation obstacle restriction surfaces of Finavia’s airports have been published in the Paikkatietoikkuna service of the National Land Survey of Finland. In the service, you can view air navigation obstacle restriction surfaces as contour lines on their own map layer (only available in the Finnish-language version of the service). Map layer (“Karttataso” in Finnish): Liikenneverkot / Finavian lentoasemien lentoesterajoituspinnat
For more information, please contact:
- Plots and construction at Helsinki Airport: Esa Siponen, Vice President, Corporate Real Estate Management ([email protected]).
- Office, storage and other facilities in the Helsinki Airport terminal building: Petri Karvinen, Head of Facility and Lease Management ([email protected]), tel. +358 20 708 3403.
- Office, storage and other facilities in the Helsinki Airport area (outside the terminal): AVIA Real Estate: Jari Harapainen, +358 50 323 7582
- Plots and construction as well as office, storage and other facilities at the other airports: the Airport Manager of the airport in question. Select the airport in the top menu, and then select Contact on the airport’s homepage.
- Development and marketing of the areas in the immediate vicinity of the airports:AVIA Real Estate: Jari Harapainen, +358 50 323 7582
- Commercial premises (cafés, shops) at Helsinki Airport and the network airports