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Customs and Global Blue Tax Refund will move due to the renovation of the Arctic Bar

Article published
4.9.2014 at 09:16
Tax refunds customer service desk.
Passengers at Helsinki Airport will again have the opportunity to gain new experiences, when the Scandinavian Arctic Bar opens its doors to passengers early next year.

The service range at the airport is being continuously renewed to better correspond to the needs and wishes of passengers. Next year, passengers will be able to enjoy wonderful new experiences at the Arctic Bar inspired by snow, frost and cold.

The magnificent decor and stylish outdoor terrace of the restaurant will offer passengers a genuine experience of the changing seasons and sometimes Arctic conditions in Finland.

Due to renovation the Customs, Global Blue Tax Refund and jewellery shops will move on 10 September

The renovation work required by the construction of the Arctic Bar has been started at the airport.

Due to the renovation, the Customs and Global Blue Tax Refund service points will temporarily move closer to the Transfer 2 desk at Gate 25 on 10 September. In addition, the Thomas Sabon, Swarovski and Pandora shops have moved to gate area 26–27 for the duration of the renovation.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the renovation!

What to do and see at the Helsinki Airport?
Major service revamp at Helsinki Airport

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