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Passenger services at Finavia: “We treat each passenger as an individual and serve them with professionalism”

Article published
25.6.2024 at 09:56
People & Aviation
Finavia’s customer service representatives work at airports in a variety of roles. In customer-oriented work, every passenger is treated in a professional manner and with a good attitude.

Customer Service Representative Noora Lampela has been working at Rovaniemi Airport for several years.

“In my work, I like that I have a wide variety of duties that help me to develop myself. As a customer service representative, my work includes guiding passengers in the terminal and at the information desk as well as helping customers with matters such as parking and check-in. I also act as a security officer.”

At Rovaniemi Airport, customer service representatives can also train for apron tasks.

“We train personnel to work, for example, in aircraft parking planning, to carry out security control for personnel and to work as a marshaller responsible for safety and security on the apron. Every day is different, and that’s one of the perks of my job.”

Creating a smooth customer experience is at the core of a customer service representative’s work.

“We treat each passenger as an individual and take a wide range of needs into account. We always serve our passengers to the best of our ability and handle every customer encounter with professionalism.”

Palveluneuvoja ja matkustajat

The winter season in particular is a busy time at Rovaniemi Airport, with tourists arriving in Lapland from all over the world. A customer service representative can succeed in their work by having situational awareness and understanding the different needs of passengers. Language skills are an advantage.

“You can do well if you know Finnish and English, but it is always an advantage to speak Spanish or German, for example. Tourists come here from all over the world and they speak a wide variety of languages.”

According to Noora Lampela, Finavia’s customer service representatives have a diverse work community in which people like spending time together. Nice co-workers are an asset during busy peak seasons.

“We have a lot of fun together and get along well. Some members of our team have been working at Finavia for a long time, up to 38 years at most, and some are seasonal workers. I myself joined Finavia for a traineeship, and now I’m in a permanent position.”

“I’ve wanted to work at an airport from a young age and, through my traineeship, I started liking the work environment of Finavia and Rovaniemi Airport. The work of a customer service representative is varied and interesting,” Noora says.


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