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Finavia sees off the Finnish Olympic Team at Helsinki Airport

Article published
27.1.2022 at 10:29
Helsinki-Vantaan lentoaseman kyltti toivottaa urheilijat tervetulleiksi
People & Aviation Travel
Team Finland’s journey to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing has begun. The first athletes and their support teams departed from Helsinki Airport on Wednesday, 26 January. In total, more than 100 Finnish athletes will fly to China via the airport.

Due to the pandemic, air travel for athletes has been planned with particular care. Transporting the entire Olympic Team and a large amount of equipment within a short time frame requires close cooperation between the various actors. At the airport, measures such as reserving private facilities for athletes have been taken to ensure a smooth departure.

“We want to make the athletes’ journey through our airport as straightforward as possible. Preparing for athletic performance is a long process with no room for extra stress. We want to ensure that our Olympic athletes get the best possible start on this unique journey,” says Katja Siberg, Senior Vice President of marketing and communication at Finavia.

Finavia is an official partner of the Finnish Olympic Committee. From 2017, Finavia’s cooperation with the Finnish Olympic Committee has been reflected in shared activities as well as an unforgettable atmosphere during departure and arrival.

The Olympic Games are a unique experience for both the athletes and the spectators in the athletes’ home countries. We strive to offer the same unique experience at our airports.

“As with Olympic sports, the importance of good team spirit is also highlighted in the everyday life of airports: When we work together, good individual performance develops into memorable success. At Finavia, success means things like very positive feedback from passengers about the customer experience at our airports,” Siberg says.

For athletes, Helsinki Airport is a familiar home airport, the history of which goes hand in hand with the story of the Olympic Games: Helsinki Airport was opened for the Helsinki Olympics in 1952.

“We are proud that Helsinki Airport serves as the home airport for the Finnish Olympic Team. Finavia would like to wish Finland’s athletes a smooth journey and good luck for the Olympics – enjoy these unique experiences! When the Olympics are over, we will again be making sure that the athletes’ return to Finland is unforgettable,” Siberg says.

Images: Finnish Olympic Committee

Read more:

The Finnish Olympic team’s competition journey begins at Helsinki Airport