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Amazing views: See the results of our photo contest

Article published
23.6.2016 at 06:00
People & Aviation
#Finaviaintheair contest received nearly 200 photos. See the winners!

One of the greatest parts of air travel is getting to see the amazing views from up top. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you even manage to capture the moment in a photo. Our #Finaviaintheair photo contest asked readers to submit their best shots taken from an aircraft and post them online between 27th May and 5th of June.

The results have been spectacular. All in all 190 amazing photos from the air were published during the competition period: views of cities in the night time, snowy mountain tops rising to the skies, glowing sunsets and much more. Thank you to everyone who participated!

In the end, three photos were chosen as the winners: Keith Yamada’s photo of fluffy clouds colored by the rays of the sun, Maria Kuittinen’s beautiful shot of Mount Rainier and Aleksi Jyrälä’s humorous snapshot of Berlin’s Fernsehturm, sticking out to the cloud top.

Congratulations to all of you! An Amazon gift voucher worth €100 awaits each one of our winners.

Maria Kuittinen snapped this great photo on her way from Seattle to Los Angeles in 2013.

“At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the mountain behind the wing of the airplane. What I love about this picture is that the sunlit, rough mountain is surrounded by soft clouds and that the horizon is misty, with no clear line.

I always choose the window seat so I can look out of the window in hopes of seeing something interesting. This flight was one of the best ones I’ve been on: the scenery ranged from snowcapped mountains to the dry canyons and hills of California. The perfect ending to it was the landing, when we flew past the Hollywood sign just as the sun was setting. Beautiful views like that are so calming,” Maria says.

Keith’s photo was taken near Chicago's O'hare airport while he was flying from Copenhagen to Chicago

“I like how big the clouds were and how you don't often get to see how tall they can be. I was thinking how beautiful the clouds looked up in the air and it reminded me of the gods of ancient Greece. It felt like home and there could be a castle hidden inside that cloud.”

Aleksi managed to capture a fantastic view in Berlin, in December 2015

“I am not the type of guy who photographs the airplane wing and clouds at the start of every trip, but this time the atmosphere was just mind-blowing. Suddenly, you could see one of the most famous sights of the city above the clouds as we were landing. The TV tower is just 368 meters tall and it was clearly above the clouds. It must be a rare sight. Everyone on the plane must have been taking photos of the tower.”

Read also the stories behind Finnairtomi’s photos

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