Kemi-Tornio Contact Information

Here you will find Kemi-Tornio Airport contact information

Visiting address: Lentokentäntie 75, 94500 Lautiosaari
Opening hours: The airport opens one and half hour before departure.

Airport manager: Joni Nojonen

Airport Codes

IATA-code: KEM

Airport Information and Parking

Send a contact request
Information +358(0)20 708 8714

Delayed or broken baggage

ViaGO Oy

[email protected]

+358 (0) 40 8348772

Airlines are responsible for the handling, transportation and handover of baggage. If your luggage is delayed or damaged, immediately report the matter at your airline’s service desk.

All inquiries concerning baggage must be submitted to the airline. For contact information and instructions, visit your airline’s website.

Did you forget something at the airport?

Inquiries after items lost at the Kemi-Tornio airport can be made at the Finavia information desk.

If you forgot something on the aircraft, please contact your airline.

Other Contact Details

Ground Handling Services

Ground Handling

Scandiavia Oy

Sales: +358 50 587 9997

OPS 24/7: +358 50 364 4002

Email: [email protected]

ViaGO Oy

[email protected]

+358 (0) 40 8348772