How do I get back the items taken from me?

Packing your bags correctly at home is important. Pack your bags yourself and use the search service on our website if necessary.

Check our website to see what items may be carried in hand baggage or checked baggage and what items are prohibited on flights.

If prohibited items or substances – such as power banks, loose lithium batteries, lighters or battery-powered electronic smoking devices – are found in checked baggage, they will be removed. Removed items are always reported using a separate removal form, which is left in the bag in place of the removed item. The removal form contains detailed information about the removed item. Removed items will be disposed of, recycled or donated to charity.

There are some exceptions when it comes to items removed from checked baggage. These items will be stored at the airport for 30 days. Items removed and placed in storage must always be reported using a separate form, which is put in the bag in place of the removed item. It is possible to get the stored items back within the 30-day period. After the storage period, the items will be disposed of, recycled or donated to charity.

The storage points' policies are airport-specific, and some service providers charge a fee for storage. More detailed instructions on how to pick up a removed item can be found in the removal form put in the bag in place of the removed item.