Management and governance

Finavia is committed to good governance in all its operations. Our work is based on acts and regulations and guided by Finavia’s values, shared principles and ethical standards.

Finavia Corporation is a fully state-owned public company. The ownership steering is the responsibility of the Ownership Steering Department in the Prime Minister’s Office. The company’s registered office is in Vantaa, Finland.

Our decision making and governance is in accordance with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, Finavia Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ Articles of Association, the applicable governance guidelines prepared by the Ownership Steering Department of the Prime Minister’s Office, and Finavia’s own governance guidelines.

We comply, as applicable, with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code approved by the Finnish Securities Market Association. The most significant deviations from the Finnish Corporate Governance Code arise from the fact that Finavia only has one shareholder, the State of Finland. For this reason, compliance with all sections of the code is not considered necessary.

In addition, we comply with the resolution on the state's ownership policy, which outlines the ownership policy principles and general objectives of the state's shareholding for each government term.

Our governance principles, internal control principles and risk management principles are confirmed by the Board of Directors. The safety management system related to our industry is an essential part of our risk management.

Finavia Group’s parent company is Finavia Corporation, which is managed by the general meeting, Board of Directors and CEO. The board has an audit committee, an HR committee and a working committee for real estate development. The Executive Group supports the CEO in managing the group.

For more detailed information on our governance, please refer to the Corporate Governance and Remuneration Report published in connection with the Annual Report.

The Group's business units

Finavia's CEO and Executive Group

Finavia’s Board of Directors

Code of Conduct