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Portable electronics can be taken on board flights to the USA as usual

Artikkeli julkaistu
30.06.2017 klo 06:11
Woman puts her laptop to a security control tray.
The EU and the USA have agreed that taking laptop computers and tablets into passenger cabins on flights to the United States will continue to be permitted. The operating model is global and applies to all flights to the USA.

Negotiations between the EU and the USA this spring concluded with an agreement under which laptop computers, tablets, and other portable electronics devices will continue to be allowed on board flights to the United States as usual. Instead of transport restrictions on portable computers, which had been discussed earlier, enhanced security measures are to be implemented at departure gates and elsewhere.

"We are satisfied with the outcome of the discussions, which is very good for both passenger comfort and safety. Getting a global operating model was also excellent, as it clarifies practices on flights to the USA from all countries", says Pekka Henttu, Director General for the Aviation Sector of Trafi, the Finnish Transport Safety Agency.

"This means that portable electronic devices may be transported in passenger cabins on all flights as usual. However, the decision brings additional elements to safety measures – for instance, inspections during boarding at departure gates of flights to the USA will be increased to some degree. These additional measures will mean that laptop computers and tablets will not need to be placed inside checked baggage for the duration of the flight", Henttu adds.

Airlines can provide passengers with more detailed instructions.

Source: Trafi's press release 3.7.2017